Progetti nel mondo

Incredibile affidabilitĂ  per una durata a lungo termine

Una raccolta di progetti realizzati con pavimenti, rivestimenti e camminamenti in pietra sinterizzata.
Uffici, case, ambienti esterni, ma anche piazze, centri commerciali, ristoranti.
Realizzazioni di grandi e piccoli progetti, fonte di ispirazione per utilizzi originali e innovativi della nostra pietra sinterizzata.
Un prodotto dalle incredibili qualitĂ  tecniche: antiscivolo, carrabile, resistente agli agenti atmosferici, facile da pulire e dalla bassa manutenzione.
La pietra sinterizzata è quindi un materiale per ogni utilizzo dai bassi costi operativi.

10 January 1950
Lastre in pietra sinterizzata L'ALTRA PIETRA Duomo Perla Bloom in the park London
fadeInDown Bloom in the Park – London The Show Garden Bloom in the Park in London, brings together some of England’s most experienced,creative and hard-working garden designers and horticulturists who have worked tirelessly to create the stunning show gardens which form the heart of the show. These show gardens are remarkable,not only in their beauty and variety, but also in their ability to communicate important themes and bring attention to issues such as sustainability, biodiversity, water conservation and mental health. For the 2019 edition of the Show Garden Bloom in the Park were used L\’ALTRA PIETRA sintered stone slabs, who won the award \’Large Garden\’. The product chosen for this project is L\’ALTRA PIETRA Duomo Perla 60×90;center top;;auto default Table Place London, UK Year 2019 Project Bloom in the Park Show Garden 2019 Product L\’ALTRA PIETRA Duomo Perla 60×90 cm no-repeat;center top;;auto center 40default 8750,8751,8752,8753,87545thumbnailmasonry center Go to the DOWNLOAD area and download the Catalog and much more/en/download-form/icon-right-open-bigleft2
1 January 1950
fadeInDown I Maestri del Paesaggio – Bergamo For the 2018 edition of I Maestri del Paesaggio in CittĂ  Alta, Bergamo, L\’ALTRA PIETRA sintered stone slabs in XXL format were used along the main route and in a recreation area with lounge bar. Landscape Festival – I Maestri del Paesaggio is a cultural event organized by the Arketipos association and was created with the aim of promoting, spreading and enhancing the culture of the natural and man-made landscape in order to promote sustainable development and, at the same time, the enhancement of the potential of each territory through the involvement of the disciplines of landscape architecture, environmental and green protection, creativity, art and the training of professionals and citizens in general. The products chosen for this project are L\’ALTRA PIETRA XXL Colosseo Grigioni 120×120 cm (48\”x48\”) and L\’ALTRA PIETRA XXL Colosseo Bressa 120×240 cm (48\”x96\”).no-repeat;center top;;auto default Table Place Bergamo, Italy Year 2018 Project Landscape Festival – I Maestri del Paesaggio Product L\’ALTRA PIETRA XXL Colosseo Grigioni 120×120 cm (48\”x48\”) and L\’ALTRA PIETRA XXL Colosseo Bressa 120×240 cm (48\”x96\”) no-repeat;center top;;auto center 40default 8717,8718,8719,8721,8723,8725,8727,8729,8731,87345thumbnailmasonry center Go to the DOWNLOAD area and download the Catalog and much more/en/download-form/icon-right-open-bigleft2